Every month we host a Gathering on-line that features educational presentations on topics related to Regression Therapy, Metaphysics and the evolution of consciousness.
Each is designed to expand your knowledge, increase your skills or challenge your assumptions about areas of shared interest.
This is also an excellent forum to ask questions, express your thoughts and network with colleagues in our growing field about the various topics discussed.
Take a look at the videos of our recent monthly Gatherings.
Regardless of your experience or your area of expertise, IBRT invites you to join our growing community of like-minded and like-hearted people who are interested in increasing their knowledge, skills in service to the evolution of humanity.
We have had some comments about participants having issues getting onto zoom calls. This is our advice. Try using a different search engine and make sure you download the zoom program to your computer.
April’s Gathering will be April 24th, at 4 p.m. PT, 5 p.m. MT, 6 p.m. CT, and 7 p.m. ET.
The focus will be about The Lighter Side of Past Life Regression work. It will be for members only.
This will be an open discussion where IBRT’s members can share some of the lighter, more humorous moments in their work with Past Life Regression.
PLR can be a very intense and powerful healing modality, and can change lives. It goes deeply and creates change and growth. But it is not limited to just being serious and somber. We all have stories we can share about some of the joy and laughter, kindness and compassion that is also experienced in our work. All members are welcome, and we invite you to bring a story to share with us.
Free for all members! Space is limited to 300 max.
We are pleased to feature Christian Sunberg at our monthly gathering.
Christian is also a public speaker, having presented at over 100 events.
When he was a young child he remembered his existence before coming to Earth. While that memory completely left him during his early adult life, it spontaneously returned at the age of 30 as Christian took up a meditation practice and went through a personal awakening journey. He also starting having Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). Christian is the author of the book A Walk in the Physical, which attempts to succinctly describe the larger spiritual context in which we exist and the importance of love in our human journey.
To read more about Christian Sundberg please go to https://awalkinthephysical.com/ welcome/
FREE to Members $20 for non-members
IBRT is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3) We appreciate your tax-deductible gifts that will expand IBRT’s outreach to promote the benefits of Regression Therapy.
Disclaimer -- IBRT assumes no liability for the individual professional actions of IBRT-certified therapists or researchers.