The following schools and training programs are accredited and sponsored by IBRT. Students enrolled in any of these programs are sponsored student members of IBRT for 1 year or membership extends to graduation if the program is longer than 1 year.
Being trained by an IBRT-accredited program streamlines the application process for all Past Life Regression Therapists and Practitioners applying to become IBRT Board Certified.
Holly Holmes-Meredith, D.Min, MFT, CCHT,
Clinical Director and Author
3746 Mt. Diablo Blvd #200
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 283-3941
On-line Certification trainings in: Hypnotherapy, Energy Therapy, Shamanic Practices, Accredited Trainings in Past Life Regression Therapy and Spirit Releasement Therapy. HCH Institute offers clients and students the experience of personal growth and healing through non-ordinary states of consciousness that directly engage the wisdom of the unconscious. These modalities invoke and directly engage the Higher Self in the process of learning and healing to facilitate accessing and living more in alignment with our True Self. HCH trainings emphasize students personally experiencing the therapeutic process as clients through demonstrations and partner practicum.
Because graduates experience the transformational effects of the modalities, the idea that the “healer” is responsible for the results, or that she/he has a power or force used on the client is demystified. This approach minimizes co-dependencies between the client and therapist and helps clients more consciously experience being the creative healing force in their own lives.
HCH generally attracts students who demand excellence in training and in themselves, and who have an understanding that being a practitioner is an art: that skills are cultivated and honed through direct supervised practice. HCH teaching and healing philosophy emphasizes the spiritual realm of consciousness or the quantum field that is the basis of all healing. Our typical student is one for whom there is a calling to do healing and transformational work whether for their own purposes or for the support of others.
355 Keele Street,
Toronto, ON, M6P2K6
+1 (416)760-8996
Our mission at Hypno Healing Institute is to educate, inspire, and empower our students through ethical, pragmatic, hands-on training, help to achieve their full potential by reframing the subconscious mind and awakening their fearless self with a safe and non-invasive healing method and inspire people at large about natural therapeutic options that guide them to the discovery of their own wisdom through therapeutic sessions, courses, and workshops.
In all of our courses we offer live powerful demonstrations where real issues are resolved on-the-spot. You'll learn proper, practical applications in how to resolve real-life issues.
Our courses are offered virtually on Zoom.
Tulin Etyemez Schimberg
Dikilitas - Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
00-90-532 515 13 58
Unicorn Transformational Studies Training program is recognised by EARTh Association for Regression Therapy and IBRT. consist of five basic modules. The program consists of 2 days introductory workshop, 5 days introduction module and five basic modules for 32 days after the selection process (320 hours). After finishing the basic modules, the students submit one video recording and have a live session for graduation, then they receive their dyplom. The training consists of demo sessions, homeworks, written exams, pair works, reportings of clients and therapist's forms, presentations between each module. Supervisions are available for the case reportings between each module. Advance trainings are arranged for graduates. Modules are not available online, face to face training is required for the basic modules. Online training is available for only pair work and supervision sessions. We give priority to health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatry doctors, life coaches, nurses during the selection process. However, other qualified professionals who specialise in bodybork, hypnotherapy and other healing techniques are taken in consideration for acceptance to the training. Please contact Tulin Etyemez Schimberg for more details.
Changing Minds International- Dr. Georgina Cannon
Toronto, Canada
I have been an accredited instructor since 1998. Currently all classes are on Zoom with the exception of the NGH’s Train the Trainer program. Classes include Past Life and Life Between Lives facilitation. Coaching and Counseling for hypnotists. Advanced Master Hypnosis Techniques. Plus the courses given at the University of Toronto over three powerful semesters, Hypnosis for clients and groups.
Recipient of Instructor of the Year 2021 awarded by the School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto.
I have had the pleasure of teaching learners from across the globe, virtually on Zoom!
If you want more information about the training, please don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions.
Virginia R. Waldron, CH, CI, is a certified instructor in hypnosis and in past life regression. She has been teaching these classes since 2009. Virginia is also part of the Alliance Training Program at the Newton Institute. Her training courses in Hypnosis and Past life Regression are considered part of the pre-requisites for training in Life Between Lives Regression, at The Newton Institute.
All these programs are being offered remotely, through Zoom. Students must have a reliable connection. The classes are live streaming, and students are required to attend the class for the full length of the session.
RoseHeart’s Training Programs:
National Guild of Hypnotists Certification in HypnosisAdvanced Age Regression - early childhood and pre-birth regressionPast Life Regression Training Program - accredited through IBRT
Trainings only available online.
Diba Ayten Yilmaz
Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey
0532 274 44 70
Radianced School Regression Therapy Training Program consist six modules.This is the foundational level Regression Therapy Training program which is recognized by EARTh and by IBRT. The Regression Therapy Training program consists of six modules for 30 days, total 300 hours learning. The training includes lectures, demonstrations, pair works, reading and writing assignments, and supervisions.The training is open for all qualified professionals and therapists i.e. psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, psychology, psychiatry, bodywork or another qualified healing techniques. Students will enter the Regression Therapy diploma procedure after these modules.Please contact with the school leader and the Trainer of Radiance D School Diba Ayten Yilmaz for the dates and detailed information.
Deep Memory Process DMP®
Patricia Walsh, Instructor" rel="noopener" target="_blank">1+ (845) 255-0515
The aim of the Woolger Council is to preserve Roger Woolger's legacy, for its value to the world and the area of Transpersonal Therapy.
Focusing on the future to enable Roger's work including Deep Memory Process DMP® and Ancestral Field Work to continue, grow and flourish. Following Roger's vision for the future, there is an overseeing council of ‘International Chief Trainers’ who follow his guidelines for his work to continue under one umbrella 'Woolger Training International'. This is to ensure the health and quality of ongoing trainings, ensure all graduates and official trainers work according to the guidelines and ethics of Woolger Training International.
Virtual trainings are available in the USA, Canada, Asia, Far East.
The Past Life Regression Academy mission is to teach ways of healing a client's soul by bring together the best of modern psychotherapy techniques with transformational spiritual practices to resolve the client's source issue.
The Academy trainers have been delivering training internationally since 2002 in hypnosis, past life therapy, regression therapy, between lives regression, and advanced energy workshops. The current in-person training locations are the UK, Romania, Turkey and internet classroom training to Europe, USA, Singapore and Asia time zones.
It has produced past life and regression therapy books to assist students on past life, regression therapy and between lives training that have been translated from English into Turkish, Swedish, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Chinese and German.
The Academy has trained over 500 graduates and has been actively involved in creating and maintaining international standards. In addition to the IBRT, the approving bodies include the General Hypnosis Standards Council, the Earth Association of Regression Therapy and the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.
Tasso Institute is situated in Amerafoort, the Netherlands. Tasso is internationally prominent in the field of Regression Therapy. Tasso teachers are teaching in many countries in Europe and elsewhere. Our English-language program in the Netherlands has attracted students from Germany, Finland, Switzerland, the UK, Portugal, Russia, India, Dubai, Hongkong, Canada and Brazil. Half of our program is by Zoom and half at location in the Netherlands,
We can be mailed at and phoned at +31-655372213.
Tasso played a key role in establishing the three-yearly World Congresses Regression Therapy (WCRT), in the foundation of the global association of regression therapists (EARTh), and in defining the Body of Knowledge and Skills (BoKS) that is the reference for establishing, comparing and evaluating regression therapy schools.
On our website you can read about our recognized transpersonal therapy training, our workshops, our books and our refresher courses for practicing therapists. Our training program in English is done half by Zoom and half at location in the Netherlands.
We teach our students to work at five levels:
Our approach is strictly empirical. We don’t follow or propagate any religious or spiritual philosophy. We teach to go where the clients bring us, whenever it leads to lasting healing.
Disclaimer -- IBRT assumes no liability for the individual professional actions of IBRT-certified therapists or researchers.