The Standards of Ethical Conduct and Practices of the International Board for Regression Therapy (IBRT)
As part of its commitment to professionalism, IBRT has established a set of standards of practice which is binding upon all practitioners whom it certifies. Further, IBRT has established a mechanism for their enforcement.
The concept of Regression Therapy, especially Past Life Therapy (PLT), is a new and emerging field of study. It combines a unique understanding and application of interdisciplinary principles, philosophical premises, and knowledge from many fields including philosophy, theology, science, psychology, and the healing arts. The practice of PLT is dynamic and evolving. Thus, as a therapeutic modality, it reflects the vibrancy of change in a rapidly expanding understanding of its principles and their applications. In the last few decades, it has become the object of serious research as well as a growing method of therapy. It is a field ripe for research and exploration, worthy of careful and methodical scrutiny and experimentation carried out under rigorous standards.
As is consistent with the practice of any profession, it is incumbent upon its practitioners and those who provide training for them to set standards for the practice of that profession and to provide a system of recognizing and identifying those practitioners and providers who have demonstrated their preparation, acumen, expertise and adherence to those standards and principles acknowledged as appropriate and necessary. This is essential to establish and maintain the quality and appropriateness of training and practices, and to protect the public from incompetency, fraud and misrepresentation.
To that end, the IBRT fosters the competent practice of Past Life Therapy and Past Life Research; the development of standards of practice, the certification of practitioners, and the certification of those schools, programs and facilitators providing PLT/PLR training of such scope and quality as to meet the requirements set forth by IBRT.
All IBRT-certified therapists, regardless of their category of certification, share with one another and toward the public-at-large a commitment of ethical responsibility. The five basic standards contained in this document represent the primary philosophical, moral, and ethical foundations upon which the practice of PLT/PLR is based.
As IBRT-certified therapists we acknowledge, affirm and adhere to these basic standards of conduct and practice.
Standard I
The practitioner of Past Life Therapy or Past Life Research maintains objectivity, integrity, and competence in meeting the highest standards of the profession. Practitioners who are also otherwise licensed therapists or certified members of other affiliated professions also conduct their practice within the standards promulgated by law or their respective professional association or certifying body.
Standard II
IBRT-certified therapists, regardless of their category of association and whether otherwise licensed, registered or certified, do not misrepresent their professional qualifications, affiliations, and purposes.
A. IBRT-certified therapists, whether licensed by law and/or certified by another certifying board, perform only those functions for which they are qualified.
B. IBRT-certified therapists disclose upon request their training, qualifications, and competencies to prospective clients, and adequately describe a proposed therapy, research project or other service that they provide.
Standard III
IBRT-certified therapists seek to protect the public from all those who are not qualified to practice Regression Therapy/Past Life Therapy by a deficiency in education, preparation, competence, emotional stability, or ethical standards.
A. IBRT-certified therapists assess and evaluate their own competencies, skills, abilities, and limitations, and assist other IBRT-certified therapists to do the same.
B. IBRT-certified therapists seek ongoing opportunities to acquire additional knowledge and skills through regular participation in training seminars and other opportunities, and encourage other IBRT-certified therapists to do the same.
C. IBRT-certified therapists have the obligation to make known to the Chairperson of the Ethical Committee of IBRT or a Board officer of IBRT information of inappropriate professional practices by any other IBRT certified therapist.
1. Whenever possible, the complaining therapist should first seek the cessation or modification of the inappropriate practice through direct dialog with the therapist whose practices they question.
2. Should this not result in a satisfactory remedy, then the complaining therapist shall inform the office of the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee or a Board officer of IBRT in writing of the inappropriate practice(s), providing full and accurate information and outlining what prior course of action, if any, has been undertaken. If a Board officer of IBRT, that officer shall notify the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee and request further action as appropriate.
3. Upon being informed of such allegations, the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee shall undertake a timely and thorough investigation thereof and if prompt remedy is not obtained, then shall notify the Board.
4. After careful review of the case, including contact with the therapist complained about and due consideration of the therapist's explanations, the Board may suspend or revoke the therapist's certification or take no action, at the Board's discretion.
Standard IV
IBRT-certified therapists maintain the confidentiality of all information regarding clients within the limitations and guarantees provided by law and in accordance with the standards of ethical practice as recognized within the helping professions.
A. IBRT-certified therapists protect the identity of their clients from public disclosure to the extent allowable by law.
B. IBRT-certified therapists obtain, in writing, full disclosure consent from their clients for the public use of any information, verbal, written, or pictorial, acquired during the course of any professional relationship which might be used for any publication or educational purpose. Full disclosure shall include the purpose(s) for which this information will be used and how the confidentiality of the client will be protected. This includes informed consent when information is gathered for research purposes.
C. IBRT-certified therapists shall adhere to the published standards of the APA and the US government or other legal standards in their own country of practice and to generally accepted guidelines within the academic disciplines in conducting research and experimentation with human participants.
D. IBRT-certified therapists respect and safeguard the professional works and original ideas of others, and give full credit and appropriate citation for such works and ideas when used in their publications and presentations.
Standard V
IBRT-certified therapists exercise prudence and discretion to promote, encourage, and facilitate public awareness and understanding of the field.
A. IBRT-certified therapists avoid sensationalism, inaccuracies, and false or misleading claims in presenting information to the public.
B. Unless otherwise licensed to do so, IBRT-certified therapists do not disseminate information by any means which may be construed as providing or offering to provide diagnosis or treatment which is limited by law to appropriately licensed practitioners.
C. IBRT-certified therapists adhere to professionally accepted guidelines and standards of good taste in informing the general public of the availability of their services.
D. IBRT-certified therapists do not contrive nor participate in a referral system with or among other professionals for the purpose of receiving or giving fees for such referrals.
As part of IBRT's application process, IBRT-certified therapists have signed a form agreeing to these Standards of Ethical Conduct and Practice and are expected to abide by them.
Disclaimer -- IBRT assumes no liability for the individual professional actions of IBRT-certified therapists or researchers.